Gain insights into how God uniquely designed your identity.

Illuminating the extraordinary way God has intricately woven your identity, and inspiring its transformative impact on your life and community.

Personal Identity Insights

Identity Quiz

How God Wired You.

Disciple Match

Which Disciple are You Most Like?

Engaging with the Bible

How You Engage Best with the Bible.

Spiritual Strengths

What are your spirtual strengths?

Loneliness Quiz

Getting Away from Loneliness.

Comprehensive Quiz

Answers to all questions.

Vocation Match Quiz

Vocations/Careers You're Wired For.

White Fingerprint

How God Uniquely Wired You

Key Characteristics and Attributes

Jesus' Teaching about Your Wiring

Spiritual Strengths

Learning Styles

Navigating Challenges

How to Best Engage with the Bible

Five-Factor Model of Personality

Immersed in the rich foundation of the Five-Factor Model of Personality, our assessments and quizzes draw from decades of robust research, establishing it as one of the foremost and widely embraced models in the realms of psychology, counseling, and training.

Additional insights from our trusted partner INNATE

Career Match

What careers are you wired for?

Remote Work

You wired to work remotely?


Wired to be an Entrepreneur?


Do you have grit?

Career Change?

Are you ready for a career change?

Resume Help

Your top-5 strengths to promote?


Are you a born leader?

College Major Match

Which college major to declare?

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