Reactive Character
Explore your identity characteristics and Jesus's teaching on them. We have provide a some questions to help you further explore your identity and how it relates to your faith.
Your Character
Jesus' Teachings
Emotional Sensitivity
Reactive individuals are more emotionally sensitive and tend to experience intense reactions to various situations. You may be more prone to feeling anxious, sad, and upset by everyday challenges.
Jesus encourages his followers not to worry about material needs such as food, clothing, or shelter. He points out how God cares for the birds of the air and the flowers of the field. If God takes care of them, how much more will He take care of humans, who are of much greater value? Jesus emphasizes seeking God's kingdom and righteousness first and trusting that God will provide what is needed. (Matthew 6:25-34)
You may experience higher levels of anxiety and worry about future events and uncertainties. Individuals like you may be more prone to excessive worrying and can be overly cautious.
Similar to the passage in Matthew, Jesus teaches his disciples not to worry about their basic needs. He advises them to seek God's kingdom and trust in God's provision. He highlights the futility of excessive worrying, as it does not add anything positive to one's life. (Luke 12:22-31)
You may be overly self-conscious and worry about how others perceive you. Reactive individuals may be sensitive to criticism and often seek reassurance from others.
While this is not a direct teaching of Jesus during his earthly ministry, the apostle Paul, influenced by Jesus' teachings, addresses anxiety in his letter to the Philippians. He advises believers to bring their concerns to God through prayer and supplication, accompanied by thanksgiving. He promises that God's peace, which transcends understanding, will guard their hearts and minds. (Philippians 4:6-7)
Reactivity to Stress
You may have a heightened response to stressors. Minor challenges might cause you significant distress or emotional upheaval.
In Mark, Jesus and his disciples are caught in a storm while in a boat. The disciples become anxious, but Jesus rebukes the storm and calms it. This story serves as a metaphor for how Jesus can bring calm to the storms of life, including the emotional turmoil that anxiety can bring. (Mark 4:35-41)
Journaling Prompts
Emotional Intensity and Spiritual Awareness:
- How do you perceive the intensity of your emotions in various spiritual contexts?
Coping Strategies in Faith:
- What spiritual practices or beliefs do you rely on to manage stress and anxiety when they arise?
Building Spiritual Resilience:
- How do you cultivate spiritual resilience to better cope with life's trials and tribulations?
Incorporating Mindfulness and Spirituality:
- How do spiritual practices such as prayer or meditation help alleviate anxiety and foster inner peace?
Creating Sacred Spaces and Environments:
- Can you describe how you create sacred spaces or engage in spiritual rituals to cultivate peace and tranquility?