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Career Guidance Resource Center

The Career Resource Center is designed to help you understand what careers you are wired for, how to identify your strengths to promote on a resume, how to create a resume and how to find a job.

Career Match

Step 1: Take the Career Match Quiz

Take this free quiz with only 20 questions in under 2 minutes. Once you complete the quiz, register with your email address so you can access and re-access your results.

Step 2: Sort your career matches by education level and industries.

Now that you know your 'primary' and 'secondary' learning style, click on your learning style below to available resources.

Sort by Education Level

Sort by Industry

Step 3: Research these career matches and then 'Favorite' your top-3 careers.

Now that you know your 'primary' and 'secondary' learning style, click on your learning style below to available resources.

'Favorite' Top 3 Choices

Dashboard: Saved Favorites

Step 4: Go to Additional Resources below for resume help, job search or training.

Now that you have identified your top career matches, use the resources below to create a resume, search for a job or seek additional training.

Additional Resources

We provide additional resourses around developing your resume, searching for a job, and training and educational options. Click on the career guidance resource you have interest in.

Resume Resources

Identify Top-5 Resume Strengths

Resume Writing Guidance

Resume Writing Services

Job Search Resources

Successful Job Search TIps

Find a Job Near You

Staffing Support Providers

Ex-Offender Friendly Employers

Training & Education Resources

Training and Education Options

Resume Strengths Quiz

Make Your Resume Standout

by discovering your Top-5 Strengths to promote on your resume.

Take the Resume Strengths Quiz

This quiz is similar to the Career Match quiz already taken. Once you complete the quiz, register with your email address so you can access and re-access your results.

Resume Writing Tips

Now that you know your 'primary' and 'secondary' learning style, click on your learning style below to available resources.

"Building a Career After Incarceration"

How To Write a Resume Objective If You've Been Convicted

"Creating your resume and cover letter"

Resume Writing Services

Need to create a resume, have your current resume reviewed by a professional resume writer or need interview coaching?

Create a Resume (free resume builder tool)

Resume AI Review (upload your resume to be reviewed for free)

Interview Coaching (need help preparing for interviews)

Job Search Guidance Tips

Below are job boards that provide job listings for ex-offenders.  Be sure to use the appropriate 'search term' once you get to job board.

15+ Tips To Get A Job With A Criminal Record in 2024

New Entry Job Hunting Plan

How do you talk about a conviction?

Job Support Services

Below are job boards that provide job listings for ex-offenders.  Be sure to use the appropriate 'search term' once you get to job board.

Find a Job Center Near You (2,300 AJC Offices nationwide)

Find Local Re-Entry Service Providers by State and City

CEO has offices in 30 cities across the country. Find a location near you.

Find Re-Entry Programs, Industry and Work Readiness Training.

Felony-Friendly Employers

Find second chance companies by industry.

Listing of felony-friendly employers.

Listing of hiring companies.

Looking for businesses that hire people with criminal records?

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