Challenging Character

Explore your identity characteristics and Jesus's teaching on them. We have provide a some questions to help you further explore your identity and how it relates to your faith.

Your Character

Jesus' Teachings

Assertive and Competitive

You tend to be more assertive and competitive in your interactions. Challenging individuals may be more willing to stand up for themselves and pursue their own goals, even if it means conflicting with others' interests.

Jesus displayed assertiveness in His teachings, challenging religious authorities and societal norms when they conflicted with higher moral values. For example, He overturned the tables of the moneychangers in the temple, expressing His disapproval of their practices.

Bluntness and Straight Forwardness

Challenging people are more likely to express their thoughts and opinions directly, without sugar-coating or being overly concerned about how their words might be received.

Jesus was known for His candidness and direct communication. He often spoke plainly and openly, using parables and stories to convey important lessons.


You are often more emotionally resilient and less affected by criticism or negative feedback than some others.  Also, you may be less inclined to conform to societal norms or social expectations if they conflict with your own values or desires.

Jesus did not shy away from conflict, especially when it involved addressing injustice or hypocrisy. However, He also taught the value of forgiveness and reconciliation.


Challenging individuals tend to be more self-reliant and may prefer making decisions based on their own judgment rather than seeking consensus or approval.

Jesus' teachings emphasized the importance of an individual's relationship with God and the pursuit of truth and righteousness. He often challenged conventional thinking, urging people to focus on their spiritual connection rather than just following societal norms.

Journaling Prompts


Confidence in Spiritual Independence:

  • What spiritual activities or practices do you feel most confident engaging in independently, and how does this independence strengthen your spiritual journey?

Maintaining Spiritual Autonomy in Relationships:

  • How do you maintain your spiritual autonomy and individuality within your close spiritual relationships or communities?

Advocating for Spiritual Needs and Beliefs:

  • How do you advocate for your own spiritual needs and beliefs within your spiritual community or group settings?

Providing Constructive Spiritual Feedback:

  • How do you provide constructive feedback or insights to others in spiritual discussions or group settings?

Receiving Challenging Spiritual Feedback:

  • How do you handle receiving spiritual feedback or viewpoints that challenge your own beliefs or perspectives?
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